
It's way past my bed time.

I've been having some difficult weeks.. I have really weird dreams, every night. No exceptions.




What's up you guys?
I'm so bored. School isn't tiring me? I guess so. No, not that I'm complaining.. I love doing pointless stuff. I already developed a routine. Everyday I wake up, and I'm always very hasty, because I wake up waaaay too late. I eat breakfast. Leave. Spend time in school. Have piano or debating. Come back home, eat an apple and watch TV. Do my homework (usually 10 min. ... maybe less). Go and work out (either running or dancing). Come home. Eat dinner. Park myself under the shower. "Go to bed" - this means: be on facebook for no reason for 129390149321489349 hours. :)

My routine is great isn't it? No.. 


Mint. Nom

I'm just sitting here and I want to fall asleep but it's not that easy, espacially that I'm blogging now.

I'm just doing the regular if I can't sleep. Watch Community & drink an infusion of mint (yay, here goes the recipe:

  • boiled water
  • "twig" of mint
  • honey
  • lime/lemon
Pour the boiled water over the mint (in a mug or sth (I use Duralex most of the time) obviously) and wait till it gets slightly green. Add the honey (a teaspoon is enough) and just gently squeeze some lemon or lime (this depends on whether your going for a more exotic taste or just something subtle) 



I scream, you scream we all scream for ice cream.

But when I scream I actually get it.

Oh I love ice cream. Especially the cookie dough from Ben & Jerry's.

So basically I was told to bake muffins because I have to because all the neighbours are getting together and apparently I need to make muffins, great. Luckily I'm not that bad in baking. Yay, I'll begin as soon as I stop writing this.

Hahahaha I know something funny. I used to think that one of my friends that I'm particularily close with smells really nice but now I found out it's me smelling great because of my shampoo... that's so weird and it makes me feel happy. What kind of word is "shampoo" though.. it's stupid shamPOO. I'm guessing it has like Hindi origin or something.

So long peeps.

TUMBL AROUND WITH ME (this is new for me)



Pop! There it goes. Am I the only one that gets super duper over-excited when I've got bubblegum... probably.
I realized school is easy and I'm not as busy as I say I am.. don't get me wrong.. I'm busy ok... but with doing things that are actually interesting.. like chewing bubblegum or playing the piano and so on.

Oh yeah, I'm having so much fun now.

I'd like to clear something up once and for all. Okay. Here goes. SOO listen. People, when you listen to Rock music, that's fine (I do to, as a matter of fact), but you can't say you hate Pop music, because thereby you're saying you hate Rock. Rock is a subcategory of Pop, people, and so is R n' B, Rap, Reggae and everything except Jazz and classical music. I'm glad that's out of the way.

Listen to this awesomeness


My hands are cold.

I'm worried tha I'm a reptile, serioulsy. Because of me being so cold I don't feel like moving anywhere. I guess I need some energy. COOKIES. Oh I love those cookies. The ones that are packed full with chocolate. The "K" in my keyboard is loose, which is seriously annoying. My little brother is worrying me because he started Family Guy, I don't have anything against the show, but, I mean, my little brother!.. he seems to think it's a cartoon... and of course it's not that appropriate for a little boy.

I feel like an old lady. In my mind.




Sooo... I've been busy lately, not that anyone realized since the traffic on this blog is comparable to the one at the cemetary at night. OH I'll just pretend I don't care, shut myself up in my room, drink coffee and cry. Yeah.. I've been doing a lot of that recently. Crying has been one of those luxuries.. I feel much better afterwards :). I guess I didn't handle the move as well as I thought I would.

The problem is, I miss people. 

Okay. So I've been thinking about starting a youtube channel. I mean, I've got one obciously but I haven't posted anything in my entire life. I'm not going to ask about "your" opinion, because in my case "you" are non-existant. I just wish I had some more followers. It might feel like having friends. Woah, I'm doing a Lovegood now. I do have friends.. not here.. sadly :( though there are potential friends, but so far I can only call them aquaitances.

Heeeeelll yeah, ugly face for the win.



Arghhh. I have to wake up every morning. Hatred is bubbling in my whole body. I want to be able to sleep for ever and ever. Tomorrow two P.E classes as the first lessons. I WANT TO DIE. Well, actually I don't. I rather like life.



What time is it?

Hello my friends. I'm still off school. This means I totally lose track of time. I wake up every morning, and since my brother already started school I have to eat breakfast with my family. So basically my brother goes to school, my mom goes with him and my dad goes to work... and I have to clean up the breakfast table.. oh well.

From then on I go and watch TV, play games, read, facebook and whatever: in conclusion nothing really usefull, untill my parents come back and make me do stuff I usually am quite reluctant not to do. The three words my parents probably hear me say a lot is "I don't care". That's just how my life is sorted out, I don't care.



Hunger Games ruined my life

In the past two days I've read three books, listen people, I don't recommend this, it's time consuming. By the title it's quite obvious which books I read.

Loads of humans I know were constantly nagging me about the hunger games "Sonia, buy the DVD!" "Sonia, read the books" so I gave up, saw the movie, read the books.. and it's simply mind-blowing. It also left me in some serious mental disturbances because I realized I would never meet someone like Peeta etc... Just reminding myself quotes like "She has no idea, the effect she can have" and "Winning won't help in my case" and "You love me, real or not real" make me cry for hours and hours, which is weird since I'm not really a person who cries a lot. Oh well.

Another type if book obsession I guess.. my mother actually changed her punishments from "No computer for a week, and I'll take your phone too!!" to "No reading for a week! Yes you heard it, I'm taking your potters, games and whatever books you actually ENJOY reading". Great.. I'm the opposite of happy now because I feel like a nerd + I'm really bored.

Have fun people. Have fun. Enjoy life before somebody sucks all the nice stuff out of it.

See ya




My Flying Spaghetti Monster!

Here it is. Finally it came. The legendary day. The big move.

I've moved before but I think I was too small to realize how big it actually is. An empty house, arghh it's horrible. 
Shizzle I'm so miserable.



Aaaaaaaaah, summer.

Maybe it's just me, maybe I'm stupid... but I hate sunbathing.. I guess I'm just too restless to stay put for a long time. I don't like to go to the beach, even if my access to it is really easy. All the sand, the people etc. The worst part is my body.. I'm not talking about the shape, because I'm fine with it, but about the colour. You see: I don't want to go to the beach because I'm not tanned; I'm not tanned because I don't go to the beach. I mean, there's always self-tanners, but that's just not fair. That's that.

Besides that I have been enjoying the summer so far, well at least I think so. I've met up with some friends, which is always fun. I've been to places, so I'm pretty much OK. Ah, sorry I'm super bad at writing. Boredom, boredom, boredom. Stupid gnomes. POTTERMORE <3 why do you block yourself?!?



Have you ever been over your friends house to eat..

and the food was just no good? I mean the macaroni is soggy, the peas all mushed ad the chicken tastes like wood. So you try to pull it off like you think you can by saying that you're full, but your friends says "Momma he's just being  polite, he aint finished, uh-uh that's bull" etc.

Sugar Hill Gang - does anybody know what I'm talking about? No? Well, check them out!

I said a hip a hop the hibbie to the hibbie the hip hip hop and you don't stop the rockin' to the bang bang boogie say up jump the boogie to the rythm of the boogie the beat. See what ya hear is not a test I'm rappin to the beat.

Genius, I tell you. I'm soooo happy. I don't know if anybody has been as happy as I am right now.

I won't tell you just in case... maybe you know me.. well that would be weird.


No title

Hey everyone.
I have done some pretty awesome things :).

1. I've finished up the debates <3.
2. I attended some amazing concerts which I will remember for my entire life.
3. I found a tick on me. So maybe I'll die. No worries,  I've died quite often already, so I'll take the blow well (at least I think so.)
4. I made myself look like one big mosquito bite, because of me deciding it was cool not to put any spray on. Well.. at least I look original.
5. I ate a ton of blueberries.

I don't now what else I can write about.

See ya!


Wowowow, what just happened?

It's the end of the school year. Already. It's crazy how time flies don't you think? Even though school has ended I still have the honour to spend time in the actual building because of debates going on.

So sadly I'm not taking part in the debates, but I'm a stupid page. Pages are people responsible for bringing around notes from a debator to another debator, bringing drinks and food etc. I often get used, which is not nice, but now it got better, because I'm nice to them and when they want me to do something for them like "go to Starbucks and bring me a grande caramel frappucino" I lift my eyebrows and look at them, and then they say "fineeee". So as you can see I developed some methods :). And they like me now, and they don't bother asking, cause they know I won't agree.

Yesterday I was on some kind of concert, and it was ok, except I had a terrible headache afterwards, but I'm ok now. I'm happy it's summertime.

My brothers birthday party took place today and he got a greenday cd, and now he's playing, I'm going to die, rescue me. I just can't stand greenday.

SUMMER = CHERRIES in the back yard. YAY.



SO .. I'm really excited because it's nearly the end of the school year. This means, no work for about two months. And I'm moving. YAY. Well, it has the ups and the downs... I'm losing a ton of friends I made, leaving everything I built around myself to just stay. On the bright side, I'm starting a new life, which is good.
The worst part of this move is that it's international... soo, it won't be easy to contact friends from where I am now.

Well, I just shouldn't think about that.

The last days of school are always the best. Your marks are already decided, so you can choose which lessons you want to go to.. or go to none, that's also an option. I thought, I'm not going to maths, literature and history today.. which means I don't have to wake up at 6:30 and I can just stay at home for a longer time to write on this stupid blog.

I packed my bag so any moment I'm ready to go off for school. I'm not really good at controlling the time.

Stupid webcam photo. See ya !



Hello. I know what the title is.
So the title says "end".. it's not the end of my blog, if you hoped so, sorry. The reason I wrote "end" is because it's the end of the school year. I finished with good grades, that's not what I'm worried about. I'm worried about my social life. I've got friends.. that's not the problem. The problem is that I'm leaving my friends. I have no idea how I'm going to stand it.

I wake up in the middle of the night and I start crying.

That was just to picture how sad I am.



What's up?? I know I haven't written for a while. So... It was my birthday on the 25th of May... and today I threw a party, which was quite aaaaweeesome :) Everybody was dancing. It was soooo nice. And all my friends came, which made me so happy. I'll show you what I got in a post one day. Maybe today.
Okay. I'm posting here:
 And that person next to me is my friend : ) . And what I got was a Lilou bracelet and another bracelet. They are soo insanely pretty. And I'll talk about my outfit in my next post.



School is fun. But not the school part, I mean.. you meet all the nice people. Don't you think The end of the school year is sooo close now.. I really don't want it to end.

Hi by the way.

"I'm not bored. I've got tons of things to do." I keep saying this to myself, but now I'm actually realizing, that I actually am bored, and I haven't got anything to do.

I had a history test today. I think it went quite well. It was warm today, very warm. I got to watch boys in sunglasses.. I like when boys have sunglasses.. or wet hair, or if they have sth to do with music.

How did I get to the point of man, I was talking about school. Well, guess I got sidetracked. I don't know what to write anymore.  I  l i k e  p a n d a ' s . And chameleons, there awesome, they have 2 fingers.




Well hello!
I think I have mentioned how fond I am of food. Today I wanted to devote a whole post to food. Food is awesome. 

Food is one thing people certainly can't live without. You can only stand about 5 days without food, though other people might be less used to eating three big meals a day.. so they might manage a little longer, or if your anorectic.. but that's a sickness.

 Everybody's definition of food is different.. I mean culture wise. For example: If you put up a sign that you can't eat food somewhere it'll vary from country to country. In China it will be a bowl of Rice in most of Europe it'll be a chicken or a loaf of bread in North America it'll be hamburger (no offence here.. but that is how it is).. so what does it depend on? What the people like best, what the people find most filling or what 'fits best'.

My favorite food is.. I honestly don't know. From the food pyramid I probably like fruits, meat and dairy best. I like shrimps,  sushi, rare steak, fruit smoothies, and lamb chops... well these are the things you can wake me up in the middle of the night for. 

Ava in glasses :>
Bye bye bye bye bye


Warm little leggies.

So today.. my mom said: "It's time you read something normal!" and she banged a book on my desk.
It's called "I Capture the Castle". It's actually not bad.. lucky I'm a girl, if I were a guy I would most probably not like it. The book is very sweet and feminine, light reading, cute. It's written in a form of a journal of the main character Cassandra. Well less about books.

I'm lying in bed. And I'm warm. Chatting with a friend of mine. I've been playing a lot of Mario Cart Wii... theoretically a stupid game, but it's highly addictive. I've seen baby chameleon's in a pet shop.. I want one now, but I'm not sure how well it will get on with my tortoise.
^^ that's your Sonia :D .