

School is fun. But not the school part, I mean.. you meet all the nice people. Don't you think The end of the school year is sooo close now.. I really don't want it to end.

Hi by the way.

"I'm not bored. I've got tons of things to do." I keep saying this to myself, but now I'm actually realizing, that I actually am bored, and I haven't got anything to do.

I had a history test today. I think it went quite well. It was warm today, very warm. I got to watch boys in sunglasses.. I like when boys have sunglasses.. or wet hair, or if they have sth to do with music.

How did I get to the point of man, I was talking about school. Well, guess I got sidetracked. I don't know what to write anymore.  I  l i k e  p a n d a ' s . And chameleons, there awesome, they have 2 fingers.




Well hello!
I think I have mentioned how fond I am of food. Today I wanted to devote a whole post to food. Food is awesome. 

Food is one thing people certainly can't live without. You can only stand about 5 days without food, though other people might be less used to eating three big meals a day.. so they might manage a little longer, or if your anorectic.. but that's a sickness.

 Everybody's definition of food is different.. I mean culture wise. For example: If you put up a sign that you can't eat food somewhere it'll vary from country to country. In China it will be a bowl of Rice in most of Europe it'll be a chicken or a loaf of bread in North America it'll be hamburger (no offence here.. but that is how it is).. so what does it depend on? What the people like best, what the people find most filling or what 'fits best'.

My favorite food is.. I honestly don't know. From the food pyramid I probably like fruits, meat and dairy best. I like shrimps,  sushi, rare steak, fruit smoothies, and lamb chops... well these are the things you can wake me up in the middle of the night for. 

Ava in glasses :>
Bye bye bye bye bye


Warm little leggies.

So today.. my mom said: "It's time you read something normal!" and she banged a book on my desk.
It's called "I Capture the Castle". It's actually not bad.. lucky I'm a girl, if I were a guy I would most probably not like it. The book is very sweet and feminine, light reading, cute. It's written in a form of a journal of the main character Cassandra. Well less about books.

I'm lying in bed. And I'm warm. Chatting with a friend of mine. I've been playing a lot of Mario Cart Wii... theoretically a stupid game, but it's highly addictive. I've seen baby chameleon's in a pet shop.. I want one now, but I'm not sure how well it will get on with my tortoise.
^^ that's your Sonia :D .