
Fish this.

I'm done. Just finished.

I've been thinking a lot about the future lately and it's really seriously freaking me out. What do you mean, by "one day you'll be older", heavens I'm not ready for any of that. I'd like to stay a kid, not many kids want to, so why not give me that one privilege. Why not?

What I found lately, is that my questions barely ever get an answer that satisfies me. Why isn't there anybody that can explain the basics to me? Like, why everyone is so stupid?

Do you ever have this weird sensation of searing pain when you've had your hair in a ponytail for a while, and then you take it out and moving your hair around feels like agony. Why is everything so sensitive?

Why is there so much snow? I have to go by bus to school, :(. I've been considering becoming a model. It just seems like a ton of fun. I'm 1 m 78 cm, anyone out there to tell me that I'm well fit for the job? Please do.