
Aaaaaaaaah, summer.

Maybe it's just me, maybe I'm stupid... but I hate sunbathing.. I guess I'm just too restless to stay put for a long time. I don't like to go to the beach, even if my access to it is really easy. All the sand, the people etc. The worst part is my body.. I'm not talking about the shape, because I'm fine with it, but about the colour. You see: I don't want to go to the beach because I'm not tanned; I'm not tanned because I don't go to the beach. I mean, there's always self-tanners, but that's just not fair. That's that.

Besides that I have been enjoying the summer so far, well at least I think so. I've met up with some friends, which is always fun. I've been to places, so I'm pretty much OK. Ah, sorry I'm super bad at writing. Boredom, boredom, boredom. Stupid gnomes. POTTERMORE <3 why do you block yourself?!?



Have you ever been over your friends house to eat..

and the food was just no good? I mean the macaroni is soggy, the peas all mushed ad the chicken tastes like wood. So you try to pull it off like you think you can by saying that you're full, but your friends says "Momma he's just being  polite, he aint finished, uh-uh that's bull" etc.

Sugar Hill Gang - does anybody know what I'm talking about? No? Well, check them out!

I said a hip a hop the hibbie to the hibbie the hip hip hop and you don't stop the rockin' to the bang bang boogie say up jump the boogie to the rythm of the boogie the beat. See what ya hear is not a test I'm rappin to the beat.

Genius, I tell you. I'm soooo happy. I don't know if anybody has been as happy as I am right now.

I won't tell you just in case... maybe you know me.. well that would be weird.


No title

Hey everyone.
I have done some pretty awesome things :).

1. I've finished up the debates <3.
2. I attended some amazing concerts which I will remember for my entire life.
3. I found a tick on me. So maybe I'll die. No worries,  I've died quite often already, so I'll take the blow well (at least I think so.)
4. I made myself look like one big mosquito bite, because of me deciding it was cool not to put any spray on. Well.. at least I look original.
5. I ate a ton of blueberries.

I don't now what else I can write about.

See ya!


Wowowow, what just happened?

It's the end of the school year. Already. It's crazy how time flies don't you think? Even though school has ended I still have the honour to spend time in the actual building because of debates going on.

So sadly I'm not taking part in the debates, but I'm a stupid page. Pages are people responsible for bringing around notes from a debator to another debator, bringing drinks and food etc. I often get used, which is not nice, but now it got better, because I'm nice to them and when they want me to do something for them like "go to Starbucks and bring me a grande caramel frappucino" I lift my eyebrows and look at them, and then they say "fineeee". So as you can see I developed some methods :). And they like me now, and they don't bother asking, cause they know I won't agree.

Yesterday I was on some kind of concert, and it was ok, except I had a terrible headache afterwards, but I'm ok now. I'm happy it's summertime.

My brothers birthday party took place today and he got a greenday cd, and now he's playing, I'm going to die, rescue me. I just can't stand greenday.

SUMMER = CHERRIES in the back yard. YAY.